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InMotion are a specialist retailer of consumer technology with a presence in over 100 US Airports.
The Challenge
Inmotion was recommended to Pixel by their parent company, WHSmith, after our successful long-term partnership installing digital displays and media into their UK travel outlets. Inmotion wanted to quickly implement a new, store-front digital presence, showcasing the latest offers in their range of consumer technology. The client had significant media assets from their partner suppliers in landscape orientation and were concerned about how this content would present in the more space efficient portrait format.
Our Approach
We provided two demo systems, one in Landscape, one in portrait orientation and re-formatted a range of existing POS video assets into portrait to allow the Inmotion marketing team to make an informed decision on the most appropriate format to roll out. Portrait was selected and we then went on to provide freestanding digital totems for over 60 of their locations.
The Outcome
Each totem featured a 4K Samsung display inside a Peerless kiosk, chosen due to the compressed lead-times that could be achieved. We also provide ongoing content production, adaptation and management services for the various POS and marketing promotional material, as well as 24/7 monitoring and support of the solution.
"Major stand out and impact within a retail environment that is clearly adaptable and scalable. Branding is clear, clean and delivers a great experience."
​POPAI Awards 2024 Jury - Gold winner